Surviving Your First Night

First you have to decide on a name for your world and a seed to generate an unique world. Make your choice of a difficultly level. Once you have setup your world, you will then spawn in a new world that you created! Welcome to the world of Minecraft!

Once you spawn in to your new world, you must act quickly to survive. First remember these main points:

  • You need food
  • You need shelter
  • You need weapons
  • You need armor

It is best if you only think of how to survive your first night. You begin by scouting out the area you are in. Find the nearest tree and punch it with your fist. You will need wood for many things in Minecraft, so store up. Get at least 12 or so logs. Some of the leaves will “de-spawn” and will drop apples and saplings. Keep the apples for food.

Getting a shelter

While you are getting wood, keep looking for an easy-to-defend place to find shelter. Do not get to picky, you just want to survive the night. You can even dig a hole in the ground with your fist and block the entrance with dirt. Be careful not to dig straight down, you could fall into an underground ravine. It would be a good idea to keep gathering supplies until it starts to get dark. Make an area to work in by hollowing the ground out or placing dirt walls and ceilings.


You will need to learn how to craft tools, armor and weapons. To do this you will need a crafting table. Remember the wooden logs you got by punching the trees? Put one log into your into your inventory menu’s crafting area. You get there by using the “e” key on your keyboard. This will open up your inventory and display a square in the the top right divide into four parts. Put your wooden log into one of the squares on the left, then wooden planks will appear. Remove these planks then place each one of them in a square so that four planks make a full square. Now a crafting table should appear. You are now ready to craft! You can also make an axe to make it easier to get wood.

By now it is dark outside. Make use of your time by mining. After all this is Mine-craft! Craft a wooden pick axe. Mine some smooth stone, this will make cobblestone. Use this to craft a stone pickaxe. You need a stone pickaxe to mine iron. Make a furnace to smelt your iron ore. You make this by filling all the squares in the crafting table except for the center one. Place the furnace down, then right click to open it. You need fuel to fire the furnace. You can use wood but coal or lava is better. Put your iron ore in the top square of the furnace and the fuel in the bottom one. Now you have made iron ingots, the main product needed to make tools and weapons.

By now, it has became the dawn of a new Minecraft day. You have survived the first day! Now the next steps for you is, how to survive the next day in Minecraft.

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